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Sparse Voxel Octree Ray Casting: Texture update

After working on the Out Of Core SVO Builder for the last few months (Paper, Github), I did some hacking on my Voxel Raycaster and voxel pipeline so it now supports sampling voxel colors from textures, which allows for some nice rendering. The details: Simple C++ CPU implementation of Voxel Raycasting. …

Out Of Core SVO Builder: 1.1 release

Since the source code of our Out Of Core SVO Builder pipeline was posted on Github last month, a lot of people have reported bugs and suggested fixes. It’s being actively integrated and used in several interesting projects, of which I hope to write more later. Thanks to all of you, …

Out-Of-Core SVO Builder: Source and binaries available

I promised to get my source code for our HPG 2013 paper Out-of-Core Construction of Sparse Voxel Octrees out, so here it is! It’s unimaginatively titled ooc_svo_builder. It’s not always evident and/or easy to release code made in an academic context, but since the paper is pretty clear on algorithm details, we thought …

Real-time Suggestive Contour Rendering

Realized I hadn’t posted this video yet: a couple of months ago, I took a break from the voxels and octrees to redo my Suggestive Contours GPU implementation. My shader-based approach combines the advantages of an object-space method in an image-based approach: It works for high-polycount models Real-time control over …

Out-Of-Core Sparse Voxel Octree Building: Skipping empty space

I’m currently rewriting my Sparse Voxel Octree builder (and the preceding voxelization pipeline) for a paper I’m writing and hoping to submit to the HPG (High Performance Graphics) conference. The goal is to have a total out-of-core pipeline to go from polygon mesh to an annotated SVO. Annotated, as in: …

Sparse Voxel Octree Raycasting: January Progress Report

Hi there, time for some updates on my voxel rendering pipeline! Lot of work behind the scenes last month, and now taking some time to pause and reflect on where the interesting research opportunities are. The lowdown for people just joining in: I’m building a Sparse Voxel Octree raycaster, so …

Sparse Voxel Octree Raycasting: December Progress

After a short venture into suggestive contours, I’m back on my voxel raycaster. I’ve been implementing multiple light sources and phong lighting, as well as drasticly improving the way models are loaded – this allows for even bigger voxel sets to be used. Limiting factor is now my voxelizer itself, …

Rendering bigger voxel sets

Just a quick piccie: thanks to optimizations in my out-of-core octree building algorithm, I can now render  even bigger voxel fields (1024^3), which is about 107 million voxels. Reading in the data is the slowest part, the actual building of the octree is blazingly fast (< 500 ms), since the …