My academic research was focused on efficient rendering of large data sets using a hierarchical voxel structure, effectively putting the discretisation we’re so used to in the 2D space to a 3D perspective. This involves efficient streaming and filtering of large data sets.
My publications can be found on the KU Leuven Computer Graphics group page
Master Thesis
In 2009-2010, I wrote my Master’s thesis. My promotor was Prof. Dr. Ir. Ph. Dutré of the Computer Graphics group at the Computer Sciences department of the Catholic University of Leuven. My day-to-day progress was monitored by Dr. B. J. Brown and Ir. R. Schoukens.
Contour line extraction and rendering for interactive 3D applications focuses on different methods (Object Space and Image Space) to compute and render contour lines and suggestive contour lines, starting from a regular 3D mesh. Rendering line drawings of complex models at interactive rates was the main goal.
Thesis Text
- Download the thesis text (PDF, 10.9 Mb) here. The main text body is in dutch, but Appendix A contains an English article summarizing my work.
- Read all posts concerning my thesis here.
- Source code and demo applications can be downloaded from the Thesis Code page.
- (Edit 2018: I’m remaking the GPU-based approaches in this Github repository)
- All implementations for this thesis were writtin in C++ with OpenGL rendering.
- Code is provided under the GNU General Public License (GPL).