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Red Dead Redemption 2 Settings Parser

We all looked forward to the release of cowboy-em-up Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC. The game has a lot of graphics settings options, and has proven to be quite a beast to get running well. The built-in presets are system-dependent, which makes comparing settings and performance between systems a …


Update (2020): You can submit your graphical oopsies to the Glitch Gallery! An awesome project where graphics programmers can present their finest work as True Art(tm). I was browsing through an old folder with screenshots from my graphics work, and found some render fails I encountered when haphazardly programming. (Results …

Visual Studio 2017 OpenGL Project

Since a lot of people ask me how to get started with OpenGL development on Windows using Visual Studio community edition, I made a little project that contains the most basic setup to reduce your TTT™ (Time-To-Triangle™, patent pending). It can be found at (for lack of a better name) and uses …

cuda2GLCore: CUDA to OpenGL textures

I made a new implementation of the Cuda2GL sample provided in the CUDA Samples by Nvidia. The sample shows how to generate a texture in CUDA and use it in an OpenGL context without copying it to main memory. The original implementation uses Glut and OpenGL immediate mode (Compatibility profile) to draw the resulting texture. The sample …

TriMesh2 Fork – A library for 3D mesh editing and I/O

During my first years in graphics development, I relied heavily on Szymon Rusinkiewicz’s C++ TriMesh2 library. It’s a nice set of tools for 3D mesh input/output, basic visualization and processing. I’ve come to use it in most of my projects. It imports .obj, .3ds and .ply files (amongst others), and puts …

CUDA Voxelizer v0.1

Time to release something that’s been gathering dust on my hard drive for a bit too long: I wrote a CUDA-accelerated voxelizer. It converts polygon meshes into annotated voxel grids. You can download source code and executables on Github. Written in C++ / CUDA Outputs data to .binvox file format …

Libmorton: A library for Morton order encoding / decoding

For my graphics research, I ended up having to encode/decode 3D coordinates into Morton order / Z-order a lot.  For a detailed explanation on how I use them and what they are, check this blog post, which sparked an interesting discussion on the implementation details, and turned out to be a popular …

Ryse: Son Of Rome : ALL THE PIXELS

Being in the graphics research business, I’m still a sucker for a good-looking, show-off game, so I bought Ryse: Son Of Rome on PC. It was a launch title for the Xbox One, and was one of the first game in which Crytek went full-on Physically Based Rendering. There are …

Sparse Voxel Octree Ray Casting: Texture update

After working on the Out Of Core SVO Builder for the last few months (Paper, Github), I did some hacking on my Voxel Raycaster and voxel pipeline so it now supports sampling voxel colors from textures, which allows for some nice rendering. The details: Simple C++ CPU implementation of Voxel Raycasting. …