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TriMesh2 Fork – A library for 3D mesh editing and I/O

During my first years in graphics development, I relied heavily on Szymon Rusinkiewicz’s C++ TriMesh2 library. It’s a nice set of tools for 3D mesh input/output, basic visualization and processing. I’ve come to use it in most of my projects. It imports .obj, .3ds and .ply files (amongst others), and puts …

CUDA Voxelizer v0.1

Time to release something that’s been gathering dust on my hard drive for a bit too long: I wrote a CUDA-accelerated voxelizer. It converts polygon meshes into annotated voxel grids. You can download source code and executables on Github. Written in C++ / CUDA Outputs data to .binvox file format …

Libmorton: A library for Morton order encoding / decoding

For my graphics research, I ended up having to encode/decode 3D coordinates into Morton order / Z-order a lot.  For a detailed explanation on how I use them and what they are, check this blog post, which sparked an interesting discussion on the implementation details, and turned out to be a popular …

Out Of Core SVO Builder 1.5

I released ooc_svo_builder 1.5 today, which includes all the latest libmorton improvements, a cleaner build system and support for Visual Studio 2015 compilation. In order to do that, I had to fork trimesh2 into my own repository, for easy MSVC fixes and other stuff. Find all the goodies on Github. …

Out-Of-Core SVO Builder v1.3

Just a quick post to celebrate that I’ve updated ooc_svo_builder, the Sparse Voxel Octree builder I’ve written for my paper in Computer Graphics Forum. The updated version has some bugfixes, and profits from some performance improvements in morton code encoding/decoding from the libmorton project. Also nice to see how at High …

Out-Of-Core SVO article in CGF

Just a quick update: an updated version of our Out-of-Core SVO construction paper can be found in Computer Graphics Forum. Lots of improvements were made, performance is better and we show an example on how to sample other vertex attributes (like color). For more information, have a look at the project …

Out of Core SVO Builder: 1.2 release

For future research and publication, I’ve been updating my Out-Of-Core Sparse Voxel Octree Builder (or ooc_svo_builder, if you’re in a hurry) based on our HPG paper. It’s faster, cleaner and more fun! Source, Win64/Linux64 binaries and manual can be found in the github repository. It also builds on OSX. New …

Sparse Voxel Octree Ray Casting: Texture update

After working on the Out Of Core SVO Builder for the last few months (Paper, Github), I did some hacking on my Voxel Raycaster and voxel pipeline so it now supports sampling voxel colors from textures, which allows for some nice rendering. The details: Simple C++ CPU implementation of Voxel Raycasting. …