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Real-time Suggestive Contour Rendering

Realized I hadn’t posted this video yet: a couple of months ago, I took a break from the voxels and octrees to redo my Suggestive Contours GPU implementation. My shader-based approach combines the advantages of an object-space method in an image-based approach: It works for high-polycount models Real-time control over …

Suggestive Contours Code

The little download counter on my super secret world domination dashboard indicates that my thesis code implementations of rendering suggestive contours on 3d meshes has been downloaded over a hundred times. Which tickles my curiosity. If you’re doing anything fun, serious, silly (or can’t get the damn thing to work …

Thesis text and code

I’ve bundled my thesis implementations and put them up for download on the thesis code page. The thesis text (and a small overview) can be downloaded from the thesis page itself. I’d like to thank my promotor, suprvisors and readers for all their efforts, and hope my work and code …

Contour and Valley detection using GLSL

Today, I managed to perform contour/suggestive contour rendering in imagespace – thus working on a rendered diffuse shaded image. After using the Sobel edge detection filter  to detect regular contours, I looked for an efficient algorithm to detect valleys and creases, in order to draw suggestive contours as well. As …

Thesis Update

The current plan for my thesis is to compare several implementations I made, which all have the same purpose: draw contours and suggestive contours on a given mesh, as fast as possible, as correct as possible. It’s time to review the status of the current builds of these different tools. …

GLSL Shader Results

After squashing a rather nasty bug this morning (GLSL shader memory alloc is tricky), I made some renders to demonstrate the algorithm. The algorithm is an object-space algorithm.  This has some implications: Operations are performed with direct vertex info. No intermediate rendering+signal filtering is done. Rendering it on the GPU …

Image Space Oddity

I’ve been trying to work out a good CPU-accelerated version the my suggestive contours algorithm during the last few weeks, and after working through some technical difficulties, I managed to compute and draw regular contour lines this afternoon: Hard to see? I know,  it looks craptastic. But after an afternoon …

Thesis Video Update

An overview of the work done upto january on my thesis. My most recent work (on the GLSL implementation) is not included, this is all rendered using the CPU. The main differences with last video: Better viewport consistency by applying fading of the contour lines. (Reduces flicker effect) Optimalisation of …