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Suggestive Contours Code

The little download counter on my super secret world domination dashboard indicates that my thesis code implementations of rendering suggestive contours on 3d meshes has been downloaded over a hundred times. Which tickles my curiosity. If you’re doing anything fun, serious, silly (or can’t get the damn thing to work …

Thesis text and code

I’ve bundled my thesis implementations and put them up for download on the thesis code page. The thesis text (and a small overview) can be downloaded from the thesis page itself. I’d like to thank my promotor, suprvisors and readers for all their efforts, and hope my work and code …

Sin() City

Some images I rendered for my thesis text yesterday. Left: just toon shader. Right: toon shader + suggestive contours + suggestive highlights, an attempt at a Frank Miller-like rendering style. All of this is rendered at min. 24 frames/second at a resolution of 760 x 760.

The sound of silence

I’ve started writing my Master’s thesis text – things could get quiet here in the next few weeks, bar the occasional silly post. Follow the progress on See those commits fly, baby. Oh, and I’m the Developer of the Month. Yay me! (provided by StatSVN) The job-hunting temperature is …

Contour and Valley detection using GLSL

Today, I managed to perform contour/suggestive contour rendering in imagespace – thus working on a rendered diffuse shaded image. After using the Sobel edge detection filter  to detect regular contours, I looked for an efficient algorithm to detect valleys and creases, in order to draw suggestive contours as well. As …


Using Vertex Buffer Objects to transfer my mesh data (vertices, normals, curvatures) directly into GPU memory using STATIC_DRAW_ARB pointers just tripled the performance of my GLSL shader implementation. Running a heavy model (+300k vertices) drawn with contours and suggestive contours at 24 fps, average.

Thesis Update

The current plan for my thesis is to compare several implementations I made, which all have the same purpose: draw contours and suggestive contours on a given mesh, as fast as possible, as correct as possible. It’s time to review the status of the current builds of these different tools. …

OpenGL Depthmap Rendering

A quick and dirty way to render depthmaps. It requires two passes, so it’s not optimal. I’ll be using this to pass a depthmap texture to a sobel edge detector (in GLSL) in order to draw contours by generating them in image-space. Other renders (normal-mapped, regular diffuse) will be tested …

Thesisblooper #4

A new week, a new issue of Thesis Bloopers. In between all the hard, correct work I’m delivering, late night or early morning coding sessions can cause the weirdest bloopers. If you don’t specify the right texture coordinates, it looks like your triceratops is giving birth. Oops. Since some of my …

Markosian Suggestive Contours

I’ve implemented the pick-some-random-faces-algorithm (the algorithm formerly known as the Markosian algorithm, from this paper) for suggestive contours too now. Results are a bit better when it comes to framerate, with the big gains of course in models with more faces. For example, of the 40000 faces of the skull, …