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Out-Of-Core construction of Sparse Voxel Octrees

Update:  I published a paper on this at HPG 2013. It contains updated info and a more detailed look into the problem and solution than this blogpost does. During the development of my Sparse Voxel Octree (SVO) raycaster (see last week’s progress report), I had to find a good way to build …

Voxel Raycaster: Progress report

After a few weeks of optimizing and getting a lot of good C++ advice from Ares Lagae, I consider my CPU-based voxel raycaster as done. I now have a good framework to test some more interesting stuff on. It offers real-time performance, even for large voxel grids, and I’ve structured the …

Octrees are your friends

After some painstaking debugging (I guess every programmer can start a post like this), I got my Sparse Voxel Octree-based raycaster working. It’s still all CPU-based, to keep things simple for now. As you can see from the following false color images, the efficient skipping of empty space results in …

Ray / Octree traversal: Parametric algorithm implementation

This is my implementation of a Ray/Octree traversal algorithm using an adapted version of the Revelles 2000 paper An efficient parametric algorithm for octree traversal. I’ve made it compliant with IEEE double precision standard. This implementation is minimal and very bare-bones, but should be a good starting point if you want …

Ray / Octree traversal: Parametric Algorithm

I’m implementing my current ray-octree intersection algorithm using an adapted version of the Revelles 2000 paper An efficient parametric algorithm for octree traversal, and after some painstaking debugging, I think I found a bug in the paper’s text. which seems to be acknowledged in this 2005 google groups discussion as …

Ray / Octree traversal

Since the basic work on my voxel raycaster is finished (Crunching voxels with 3D DDA – generalized Bresenham – in a 3D array), it’s time to start looking at hierarchical structures and the methods of switching between several Levels of Detail, which is the direction my PhD will be heading …

Voxel Raycaster: Simply Red

After a short discussion with my promotor Philip Dutré, I rewrote some parts of the basic grid structure to be more compatible with the uninevetable introduction of an octree-based system. No shotgun surgery for me – first I planned it on paper. REAL ACTUAL PAPER. I finished this week by …

Voxel Raycaster: Enter the Stanford zoo

If you’ve looked at some computer graphics literature before, you’ve probably noticed that a lot of models are used over and over again, like the Utah Teapot. Last days, I’ve been working on import functions which allow me to load the Stanford standard benchmark models in and render them, voxelized. …

So what is a voxel, really?

When reading about volume rendering on the internet, I discovered an irritating fact: there is no consistent definition of what a ‘voxel’ is. Most certainly when it comes to various rendering engines, everything that renders something which contains cubes/blocky elements gets the voxel renderer tag hastily slapped on. A good …

It’s alive!

First rough video of my current Voxel Renderer implementation. It’s nothing too exciting, just showing that the Proof Of Concept actually works in real-time. The flyby is on the edge of the voxel field, since inside it’s just … trippy. This is a 512x512x512 field with 8 bytes per datapoint …