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Cuda Voxelizer v0.4: OBJ Support!

I’ve found a bit of time to work on my CUDA polygon mesh voxelizer, a command line tool to turn a polygon mesh into a voxel grid representation. The tool seems to be used by some people, always nice to see! Support for outputting to an .obj point cloud, which …

CUDA Voxelizer v0.1

Time to release something that’s been gathering dust on my hard drive for a bit too long: I wrote a CUDA-accelerated voxelizer. It converts polygon meshes into annotated voxel grids. You can download source code and executables on Github. Written in C++ / CUDA Outputs data to .binvox file format …

Sparse Voxel Octree Ray Casting: Texture update

After working on the Out Of Core SVO Builder for the last few months (Paper, Github), I did some hacking on my Voxel Raycaster and voxel pipeline so it now supports sampling voxel colors from textures, which allows for some nice rendering. The details: Simple C++ CPU implementation of Voxel Raycasting. …

Out Of Core SVO Builder: 1.1 release

Since the source code of our Out Of Core SVO Builder pipeline was posted on Github last month, a lot of people have reported bugs and suggested fixes. It’s being actively integrated and used in several interesting projects, of which I hope to write more later. Thanks to all of you, …

Out-Of-Core Sparse Voxel Octree Building: Skipping empty space

I’m currently rewriting my Sparse Voxel Octree builder (and the preceding voxelization pipeline) for a paper I’m writing and hoping to submit to the HPG (High Performance Graphics) conference. The goal is to have a total out-of-core pipeline to go from polygon mesh to an annotated SVO. Annotated, as in: …

Sparse Voxel Octree Raycasting: January Progress Report

Hi there, time for some updates on my voxel rendering pipeline! Lot of work behind the scenes last month, and now taking some time to pause and reflect on where the interesting research opportunities are. The lowdown for people just joining in: I’m building a Sparse Voxel Octree raycaster, so …

Voxelizing Wireframes

In order to correctly voxelize larger meshes with configurable parameters (shell thickness, seperability parameters, …) I’m now implementing the method described in An Accurate Method for Voxelizing Polygon Meshes, by Jian Huang, Roni Yagel, Vassily Filippov and Yair Kurzion. In the paper, they provide a mathematical basis for voxelizing polygonal meshes, and …