Cuda Voxelizer v0.4: OBJ Support!

I’ve found a bit of time to work on my CUDA polygon mesh voxelizer, a command line tool to turn a polygon mesh into a voxel grid representation. The tool seems to be used by some people, always nice to see!

We got voxel pointclouds for days! (Also: a nightmare for JPEG compression)
  • Support for outputting to an .obj point cloud, which is a nice additional format to have (I only had .binvox previously, which is not that widespread)
  • Fixed a nasty bug that occured at large voxel grids (2048x2048x2048 and higher)
  • CUDA 10.2 support
  • VS 2019 Solution

As always, releases and code on Github.

UPDATE 2020 / 06:

Now also with actual models instead of point clouds.