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Applying Suggestive Contours to …

In the second semester of this year, I’ll have to apply the suggestive contours algorithm I’ve implemented in an interesting way, in order to have some experimental results upon which I can base my thesis. A report on what I found out behind the cut.

Suggestive Contours video

A new implementation of regular contours got rid of the noise I had in certain models with sharp edges (Stanford Dragon). Further optimization made it possible to record this demo: Now, I’m trying to find out why the suggestive contours ‘flicker’ in nearby viewpoints.

Contours implementation

I thought it would be a nice experiment to log my progress on implementing suggestive contours for my thesis on a minute-by-minute basis. Whether this turns out to be an interesting log or a boring concatenation of my sloppy coding adventures, we’ll see. I might discover what’s eating the most …


Time for a quick update. Last week, we decided to focus on the two papers which I found the most interesting: Suggestive Contours and Exaggerated Shading. It was time to cook up an OpenGL up to display contours, and later on suggestive contours. This implied I had to get started …

More NPR papers

I’ve read some remaining papers about Non-Photorealistic Rendering. The first one was Image Analogies by A. Hertzmann from Microsoft Research. It describes a framework to process images, where the processing algorithm is derived from a given (set of) A and A’ images, where A is the original image and A’ …

Exaggerated Shading for Depicting Shape and Detail

The second paper I’ve read for my thesis about Non-Photorealistic Rendering is Exaggerated Shading for Depicting Shape and Detail by Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Michael Burns and Doug DeCarlo. Much like last paper, NPR is applied to bring out more detail/shape suggestion in a given model.

Suggestive Contours for Conveying Shape

After my first meeting about my thesis, I got the assignment to read a few papers (most of them from SIGGRAPH talks) about various topics in Non-Photorealistic Rendering. It was a good opportunity to put down the (otherwise excellent) Accelerated C++ and dive into the wonderful world of research papers. …