Massive Attack – Red Light (Live Moscow / Forceflow edit)
I thought it was a bit of a shame that this song wasn’t released yet. I’ve used the audio from 2 video captures (#1, #2) taken at the concert in Moscow on 14/10/2010. The enter vocals are taken from the remix which appeared on the Atlas Air EP which was released for the Warchild organisation. After syncing the two tracks, I performed some basic filtering.
The first track sounded very ‘tin can’ on the lower bass levels, but had a good recording of the vocals (as always, by the lovely Martina Topley-Bird). After some range compression and high pass filtering, I could extract a pretty okay vocal from this. Adding in the second track completed the mix, which is still low quality overall, but about the best one can do with the current recordings.
The original song was written and performed by Guy Garvey from Elbow, but on tour, it’s always performed by Martina. The Atlas Air EP also featured the version with female vocals.
Thanks to the people who captured the original version in Moscow! All editing was done using Audacity (free/open-source/multiplatform).