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structure from motion

Structure From Motion Update

This is one of the latest results of our Capita Selecta project (Selected Heads. Hah, the things I do with language …), in which we try to reconstruct human faces using Structure From Motion techniques. I refer to the previous posts about this subject for technical details, but in short: …

Structure From Motion: Heads

So, we’ve been busy building a good light stage during the last week. We captured some rotating heads (including our professor’s) and ran them through our Structure From Motion pipeline (using Point-Based Multiview Stereo), which could now be run on several machines in the computer rooms. Steven wrote a script …

Structure From Motion

For our Capita Selecta project – a freeform 2-semester project with prof. P. Dutré and prof. E.Duval – we decided to build something around Structure From Motion. This involves starting from photographs of an object/environment and ending up with a fully textured 3d mesh – a nontrivial task. Tech babble …